Call a function after image is loaded in javaScript

How to know that image is loaded on your webpage? Call a function when image is loaded in your webpage.

  Shubham Verma      May 27, 2021

Call a function after image is loaded in javaScript

I n this article, we'll learn how we can ensure that image is loaded on our webpage. We'll learn how to call a function after image is loaded in javascript? Sometime it is very important to call a function after image is loaded, so in this article, we'll see how we can call a function just after image is loaded on our webpage.

Let's get started:
in this article, for demo purpose, we'll use an img tag and we w'll use img.complete property to check wether our image is loaded or not.

Let's have a look in below codes:

file: function_after_image.html

In the above code we are using img.complete property to check wether image is loaded or not.
If image is loaded then img.complete will be true otherwise it will give you false.


Call a function after image is loaded in javascript

Call a function after image is loaded in javascript


So, in this article, we saw how we can call a function after image load on our webpage. This is very useful in many scenarios. Every JS developer should know these things.

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Funny Programming | | Shubham Verma


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