Create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript

How to create a progress bar on the header to visualize the web page scroll position in javascript?

  Shubham Verma      March 29, 2022

Create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript

Create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript

Let's create a progress bar on the top of the page that visualize the progress of web page scroll. In this article, we will learn how to create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript or we will learn how to create a progress bar on the header to visualize the web page scroll position in javascript?

Showing a progress bar is gives your web page a very classy look, creating the progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript is very easy but you just need to take care of some codes, You need to play with javascript and HTML with a little CSS only.
In this article, we'll make a progress bar on the header of a web page that looks good and add value to your web page. the progress bar on the header of a web page gives a visual effect to the reader about the length of the page. I have implemented this progress bar on the header of this web page, you can see it on the top of the header, after implementing this, I thought that I should tell my readers to make this awesome progress bar. So, let's create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript.

Step 1: Create a web page:

In this, you need to create a web page where you want to add the progress bar on the header. Suppose we have the following HTML code.

In the above code, we have added a "progress" element and added its "id", max="100" and value="0" along with some styling.
This "progress" element would be you progress bar on the top. in this we have max and value to show the progress.

Step 2: Implement your logic:

In this step, we need to add our logic to show the dynamic progress bar, for this we need to implement a function that would be called on the browser scroll. So, we have added function onscroll="scroll()" to the body as along with its id.

After that we need to implement function in the "script tag" as.

In the above code, we are getting the max height of the scroll or body, and also getting the current position of the scroll. After getting the max height and current scroll, we are converting into percentag using "height" and "y".
Now we have percentage value, now we are assigning this percentage value to "progress", and this is happening on every scroll.

Step 3: Run the code

Now it's time to run the codes and enjoy the progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript.


In this article, we have implemented a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript as below.

Create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript

Create a progress bar on the header of a web page in JavaScript

Related Keywords:

Dynamic progress bar in html using javascript

Show progress bar while page is loading using javascript

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