Fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable

git pull/push fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable, fatal: index-pack failed.

  Shubham Verma      June 19, 2021

Fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable

S ometime we get the error fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable while doing git pull or git push.

In this article, we will see about the error fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable and how we can remove this error. I faced this issue today, so thought to write this article to help you so that you do not wastey your time :)

What is this error - unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable?

This error "fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable" is comes when you do any git related operation like git pull or git push. This error comes because of the memory. when you run out of memory, this error will come. When you have a repo with a lots of large file which is require a lot of memory to re-packing. when the memory not available as per requiremnt, this error comes.

How to solve the issue - unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable?

Well....You are here, so I would love to help you to get rid of from this ussue. You need to run the following commands one by one, and your issue will be resolved:


fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable

fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable

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